=== Version - build 18000 === - Added Tincan (XAPI) support (Commercial editions) - Added the Simple/complete mode that allows for hiding unnecessary functionality - Redesigned system header - Redesigned system popups - Re-introducing "login with facebook" option (Commercial editions) - Added new options for course/lessons scheduling - Added immediate supervisor option as recipient in notifications (Commercial editions) - Added manual payments notification (Commercial editions) - Added option to send an email when a user submits a content report - Added option about forcing accepting license at every login - Added "transaction id" field in manual payments (Commercial editions) - Added "rule" check in custom profile fields (Commercial editions) - Added ability for professor to download all projects of a specific user - Added button in Lock down page only for saving message and not lock down platform - Added "delete editor templates" functionallity in save template editor plugin - Professor can now create courses that are attached to the current branch url (Commercial editions) - Introducing a new, faster installation and upgrade procedure - All database tables are now explicitly set to innodb - When a user revisits a unit completed with a question, the question now shows up - SCORM: extended CMIFeedback type to support Lectora's incompatible data values - System now sends the "no-transform" header to prevent proxies from changing content - When creating notifications to send, the branch url instead of the root url is included (Commercial editions) - Changed "answers explanation" to be shown only for given answers (and correct matches in Match/DragDrop) Modules: - Module templates can now be included in the index page. - Modules can now include system template files - Fixed module call onCompleteCourse() not working - Updated Gradebook module: "to" and "from" can now be equal - Fixed issue about updating score to module gradebook with comma as decimal point - Training period reports module are now available to professors only and various updates - Updated content reports module to include total times per unit - Redesigned "Security module" to detect several types of compromises XML API: - New action: "languages" - New action: "categories" - New action: "category" - New action: "buy_lesson" - New action: "buy_course" - New action: "user_autologin_key" - The "update_user" action does now requires the following fields: password, first name, last name, email, language - The "user_info" action now also returns the surname - Updated apidemo2.php to include new features Various updates: - Fixed performance issue in payments page - Fixed issue about deleting first execution of test when clicking on "Redo" test option - Fixed issue about viewing certificates in personal page - Fixed error when admin tries to edit job position - Fixed error resulting when creating polls from branch url - Fixed issue about not copying survey questions when cloning lesson - Fixed incompatiblity issue with Internet Explorer 10 and themes with sidebar - Fixed error appearing when navigating to course lessons from search results - Fixed importing users conflicting with version limit (Commercial editions) - Fixed supervisor being able to see/assign courses outside the current branch to users (Commercial editions) - Fixed issue about renaming folder that contains subfolders (old folder was not deleted) - Fixed issue about course catalog in index page after logout from a branch url - Fixed performance issue in group users tab - Fixed course scheduling not working immediately after change - Fixed branch url catalog not showing subbranch courses - Fixed grid incompatibilty issue with older versions of IE - Fixed diplaying only connected users from the same branch if branch is set - Fixed directory traversal vulnerability, for php files residing inside the www/ folder - Fixed group stats filter selection in community edition - Fixed importing users conflicting with version limit === Version - build 17736 === - Fixed "last login" not being recorded problem - Fixed javascript issue when clicking on "assign selected courses to group users" link and a course's instances where expanded - Fixed "change username" functionality in administrator tools not changing usernames inside completed tests - Added "select all users" option in publishing surveys === Version - build 17731 === - Fixed SCORM2004 not initializing sessions - Fixed error when changing current user in user reports - Fixed automatic upgrade errors - Fixed performance issues when a user is enrolled to many courses - Fixed indefinite messages list in users' dashboard - Fixed issue about themes logo === Version - build 17712 === Performance: - Replaced branches lists with autocompleters - Speeded up last login calculations - Splitted completed tests table to speed up queries - Maintenance page now loads considerably faster Custom user profile: - Custom user profile fields can now be ordered - Added custom user profile into custom certificate fields - Date fields can now optionally include time - Fixed issue about not displaying Learning Tab when there was missing fields in admin Modules: - New module: Extended branch reports (Commercial editions) - New module: Course reports - New module: Outlook Invitations - New module: Bootstrap - New module: Leaflet - New module: Content reports - New module: Export unit - New module: Idle users - Removed deprecated "branch themes" module - Gradebook module updates - Added onBeforeShowCoursesTree() module function - Added onXMLExportCourseCertificate module function - Added getSideCatalogModule() to module class and module_demo - Fixed issue in administrator tools module about changing user types - Fixed "training reports" module not working for course completions that do not include a date Users: - Set default timezone when creating user if not defined - Uer times entries while reseting user progress are now deleted as well - "maximum users" restrictions handling is now more user-friendly - Fixed importing users where password was set to header but was empty in data rows - Fixed issue about importing new users/ updating users via import when login are numeric values - Fixed issue about non editable first name in profile - Fixed issue about skills custom user types permissions - Fixed issue about creating new user with same login (case insensitive) - Fixed issue about mapped accounts and ldap accounts. Switching was not working for ldap accounts. - Fixed retrieving timestamp value from db while filtering users Tests: - Added code in random pool tests for selecting questions (about selecting on each execution) depending on lessons_ID frequency in the pool - Added option to toggle raw text questions to display only textarea/file upload - Added numeric evaluation of "empty spaces" answers - Added numeric ranges in "empty spaces" answers - Changed the way a test unit can be printed - Fixed issue about displaying tests in content tree when tests are disabled for lesson - Fixed issue about copying feedback/test unit and questions order (#2962) where order was not preserved if source unit was reordered - Fixed issue about copying from another lesson a feedback unit - Fixed issue about displaying inactive tests in User status page - Fixed issue about redo only wrong answered questions and show only thank you message Courses: - Added "reset course progress for all users" option - Added tooltip for displaying all branches in course location column in courses list (Enterprise edition) - Added course instances to professor courses - Fixed issue about white listed files checking in course export - Fixed issue about course instances displayed to catalog even if show catalog is not set Search: - Full-text search to all files is now available through the XAPIAN integration (Commercial editions) - Do not show forum results in search when forum is disabled - Fixed issue about adding search tables entries Branches: (Enterprise edition) - Branch URL restrictions now prevent any non-related information to be displayed to students, professors and supervisors - Exclude inactive users from displaying in organization chart - Fixed issue about unassigning inactive course from a branch - Fixed issue about allowing users from subbranches to login to father branch url - Fixed issue with branch urls and session (#2544) Editor: - Added new tinymce class for messages (about absolute paths in e-mails) - Fixed issue with folders contained single quotes in editor - Fixed advlink plugin of editor to show also empty units - Fixed issue about editor and branch url Groups: - Added custom user option for insert group key - Fixed groups list not showing entries with the same name - Fixed issue with counting users in groups - Fixed issue about assigning users to courses from groups (already assigned users) (#2808) - Fixed issue about assigned lessons/courses of group to group users when they were archived there Content: - Added ##USER_NAME## and ##USER_SURNAME## variables to content, that are substitued in real time - Added ability to go to a unit with a simple link index.php?autologin=&view_unit= - Allow only one depth recursive uncompress when smart content import contains zip files - Fixed issue about collapsing content tree when deleted a test in some cases - Fixed changing question paths when copying questions (associated with units) to another lesson - Fixed issue about displaying inactive units for students - Fixed properly stripping